News & Articles By Ethan Huff
By Ethan Huff
India tosses out Gates Foundation due to conflicts of interest with Big Pharma
In the U.S., many look to him as a benevolent humanitarian simply trying to save the world from communicable disease. But in India, billionaire software guru Bill Gates has basically been told to get the hell out the country now that he and his wife Melinda’s infamous foundation has been exposed as nothing more than […]
By Ethan Huff
Is Mark Zuckerberg planning to poison children with forced vaccinations?
The 61-year-old billionaire and self-proclaimed “humanitarian,” Bill Gates, has a new, younger protege that wants to follow in his footsteps by trying to vaccinate the entire world: Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg. According to reports, Zuckerberg is currently in the process of opening up his own $600 million “biohub” in Silicon Valley that aims to procure […]
By Ethan Huff
Science paper attempts to claim all flu shots work, even if it’s the wrong strain… but actually admits vaccine-induced immunization is a farce
A credible-looking, journal-published study currently making the rounds in defense of seasonal influenza vaccines claims that these aggressively-pushed jabs are very effective and that people should keep on getting them every year no matter what — even when the viral strain being immunized for is not actually the viral strain that a person has, or […]
By Ethan Huff
Climate Change supporters become “science fascism” enforcers: Michael Mann sues critics who question his tortured conclusions
As the theory of man-made climate change continues to crumble, especially with the incoming Trump administration, one of the biggest names perpetuating its merits is taking a new approach to dealing with detractors: lawsuits. Michael Mann, a professor from Penn State who reached fame status for his “hockey stick” portrayal of global warming trends — an […]
By Ethan Huff
See the list of academic institutions that collude with the weapons, biotech, and medical industries to enslave humanity
The system. The machine. The man. The powers that be. Whatever you choose to call the hidden power structure that pulls many of the strings in our country and world, its function is still the same: to enslave the people of our planet with agenda-driven propaganda, fake fiat currencies, endless war, toxins and disease, chemical […]
By Ethan Huff
Is FORCED vaccination on the horizon in the medical police state known as California?
The great state of California is facing another serious threat to health freedom from vaccine pimp Senator Richard Pan, who is right now pushing a new piece of legislation he claims to have authored, that has the potential to make vaccines a mandatory medical procedure for all children in the Golden State — this time […]
By Ethan Huff
Chemical-ridden GMO foods are now being pushed on Africans, destroying their natural food culture
In response to a propaganda piece recently published in a local newspaper that pushes the human papillomavirus (HPV) vaccine as a viable remedy to address exploding cancer rates throughout developing Africa, a concerned citizen of Rwanda wrote a letter to the editor countering this narrative, pointing out that toxic food, and not a lack of […]
By Ethan Huff
Many questioning the accuracy of food research due to the financial ties between researchers and food companies
Everywhere you look these days, you will find media, government, and academia telling us all how we should be eating for health and vitality. But with so much conflicting information out there, how can you know for sure what is actually true, and what is simply industry propaganda pushing fake health advice for the purpose […]
By Ethan Huff
How medical ‘news’ became manipulated, industry-funded science throughout the 20th century
When it comes to accurately and honestly reporting the news, there is a definitive limit to what reporters are allowed to cover, especially when they are fully immersed in the culture of what has come to be known as the “mainstream media.” There are certain topics that you just do not touch in this realm […]
By Ethan Huff
Big Pharma documentary: History of chemicals, poison, disease, power and kids on amphetamines
Have you ever wondered how “Big Pharma” attained the power it now has over our system of medicine? Or why our food, water and air – our most precious resources – are all now polluted by deadly chemicals that are completely unnecessary for our existence and that never should have been approved for use in […]
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