News & Articles By Vicki Batts
By Vicki Batts
Lancet study confirms: The “fatal breast cancer gene” is a myth; it does NOT affect a “significant difference” in survival rates
The cancer industry has been heavily scrutinized for shamelessly encouraging unwarranted treatments and other acts of medical lunacy, but this latest find regarding breast cancer genetics is sure to take the cake. As it turns out, the highly publicized, highly feared breast cancer genes (BRCA-1/2) are not actually a death sentence — despite mass campaigns […]
By Vicki Batts
Scientists accidentally admit rapid global warming happened 56 million years ago, LONG before humans, cars and combustion engines
Global warming has been a subject of intense debate for years; there’s no doubt about that. But, it seems that much for the fanfare surrounding “climate change” may be nothing more than simple fear-mongering. Recent research from the University of California at Riverside has pointed to a substantial global warming event — one that occurred […]
By Vicki Batts
No, you can’t heal your body with “bio-frequency” stickers… don’t get caught up in the scam
So-called bio-frequency stickers may sound appealing, but the truth is that these “healing” patches won’t offer you much in the way of health benefits. Recently featured in Goop, a publication which belongs to movie star Gwyneth Paltrow, the bio-frequency stickers made by Body Vibes are already gaining quite a bit of notoriety — but for all […]
By Vicki Batts
Head of the global climate change cult, Al Gore, says “God” told him to fight global warming
Al Gore has been at the forefront of the globalist climate change movement for quite some time now, and it seems his delusions of grandeur are only getting worse as the years go by. Recently, Gore made the outlandish claim that God actually intended for him and his followers to fight climate change. Apparently, he’s […]
By Vicki Batts
BRAINWASHED: Climate change activists have been convinced to support the very thing that will murder Mother Nature and collapse our world: Reductions in carbon dioxide
If there is one thing people ought to know by now, it’s that you can’t believe everything you see on TV or read on the internet. But when it comes to climate change, that seems to be what everyone does. In spite of the overwhelming evidence that the increased amount of carbon dioxide in our […]
By Vicki Batts
Zika: The $183 million dollar FRAUD
New estimates from Johns Hopkins have suggested that the cost of the so-called Zika virus this year will amount to at least $183 million — and that’s if it’s a “mild season.” The researchers say that if it’s a more severe “outbreak,” it could cost up to a staggering $1.2 billion. While most people who […]
By Vicki Batts
Scientists now pushing FAITH as the most important factor in “climate change” — if you believe it’s real, then it’s real
Has climate change gone from being just a scientific theory to a pseudo-scientific cult? A new “study” from the University of Warwick seems to underline the fact that the push for people to comply with the belief in global warming and human impact resides more in “faith,” than in science. In a world where anyone […]
By Vicki Batts
Big Pharma propaganda: American Medical Association claims antidepressant use by expectant mothers does NOT raise autism risk in newborns
The use of antidepressants during pregnancy is controversial at best. In the past, studies have indicated that using these kinds of prescription drugs during pregnancy can increase the risk of autism, cognitive deficits and other health issues — but other studies have also concluded that antidepressants pose no additional risk. Overall, the general consensus seems […]
By Vicki Batts
Shocking letter from dead EPA scientist reveals EPA bureacrats being bribed by Monsanto to hide scientific evidence of glyphosate causing cancer
The Environmental Protection Agency has been involved in a number of controversies over the years, such as the Gold King Mine spill or their silence on the use of fracking wastewater on farmland. Now, the federal agency is under fire for their collusion with one of the world’s most evil companies: Monsanto. Monsanto has become infamous […]
By Vicki Batts
Coincidence? Monsanto patented glyphosate as an “antibiotic” drug, claiming weed killer is medicine
While you’d be hard pressed to find anyone willing to use a known herbicide for medicinal purposes, that hasn’t stopped Monsanto from patenting the star ingredient of their flagship herbicide, Roundup, as a type of antibiotic. In 2003, the corporate giant first submitted a patent for glyphosate as a parasitic control-type antimicrobial agent — or, […]
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