When parents take their children to the family doctor, they expect to receive treatments that align with the latest in …
Clean eating has become a way of life for many people around the world. This way of eating focuses on …
There is much more money to be made by making people sick and treating that sickness with useless chemical medicines …
The infectious climate change narrative that is being drilled into the minds of the next generation isn’t about protecting the …
If you’ve ever stumbled across purple carrots at a farmer’s market or even your local grocery store, they might have …
So-called bio-frequency stickers may sound appealing, but the truth is that these “healing” patches won’t offer you much in the …
Meandering through the latest mainstream media headlines these days, one is hard-pressed to find even a semblance of objective truth …
One of the most trusted maxims in today’s world is the Latin phrase cui bono? In other words, who benefits? …
Though it remains illegal at the federal level, a total of 29 states and the District of Columbia have now …
The boom in sales of raw milk and other raw dairy products countrywide has the U.S. Centers for Disease Control …
Climate change not only affects the environment, but may also adversely impact mental health, according to a collaborative report by …
New estimates from Johns Hopkins have suggested that the cost of the so-called Zika virus this year will amount to …
Okay, I’m not the most scientific person on the planet, but even to me, it seems logical and obvious that …