By Ethan Huff
Climate cultists push bizarre scare language about weather: “rain bombs” and “boiling oceans”
The poster child of deranged climate lunacy gave a speech this week at the World Economic Forum (WEF) annual meeting in Davos, Switzerland, using all sorts of scary-sounding language to describe typical weather events. Al Gore, Bill Clinton’s former vice president, condemned “greenhouse gas pollution” for “boiling the oceans” and causing “rain bombs,” whatever those […]
By Ethan Huff
Biden climate envoy John Kerry goes on bizarre rant at WEF meeting, says “extra-terrestrial” forces brought globalists to Davos to “save the planet”
“Time is running out,” proclaimed fake president Joe Biden’s U.S. climate envoy John Kerry at the World Economic Forum’s (WEF) annual meeting this week, for the globalists to “save the planet” from the mythical fairy tale known as climate change. Appearing in Davos as he has been doing for many years, Kerry told the room […]
By Belle Carter
Global warming DEBUNKED: Study predicts Europe to get COLDER over the next 15 to 20 years
A scientific paper showed that Europe’s temperature will drop slightly for the next 15 to 20 years. It also pointed out that the next warming phase will begin by 2050, contradicting the doomsday predictions of climate alarmists. The study published July 13 last year in NPJ Climate and Atmospheric Science explained that this temperature drop is […]
By JD Heyes
Here’s a summary of a half-century’s worth of failed ‘eco-pocalyptic’ predictions of Earth’s doom
Thinking, rational people long ago figured out that the Marxist globalist left uses disaster scenarios to force acceptance of policies that a) empower them; while b) enslaving entire populations, and one of the most common over the past half-century has been the lie that human activities are causing the earth to deteriorate before it dies altogether. […]
By Ethan Huff
ALL official climate models radically over-predict warming, analysis reveals
Well-known climatologist Dr. Roy Spencer published an article recently that exposes every single climate model out there to be dead wrong as far as the state of “warming” on planet earth. Actual satellite temperature readings show that the planet is barely warming at all – and even the warming that is being seen could just […]
By Ethan Huff
“We own the science,” brags UN representative at World Economic Forum
Is science something that everyone contributes and has access to, or is it something that is decreed from the top down by authoritarian bureaucrats? According to Melissa Fleming, the United Nations’ Under-Secretary-General for Global Communications, “we own the science” – referring to the UN. At a recent World Economic Forum (WEF) event, Fleming declared during […]
By Ethan Huff
As they lose arguments, climate scientists call for ban on dissenting views
A cohort of climate fanatics claiming to be “scientists” is demanding that a prominent science journal pull a recent study about the alleged “climate crisis” because the paper does not align with the prevailing global warming dogma. The European Physical Journal Plus, published by Springer Nature, published the review, which looked at data on possible […]
By Kevin Hughes
Leaked documents reveal plan of poor countries to impose global CARBON TAX on developed nations
Some of the most vulnerable nations plan to impose a global carbon tax on their more developed counterparts, according to leaked documents. The Guardian managed to obtain a copy of a draft document by a group of poor nations, which was slated for discussion at the United Nations General Assembly. According to the paper, these […]
By JD Heyes
LUNACY: Study in famed scientific journal claims ‘climate change is making people angrier online’
Another lunatic ‘study’ has proven anew that Western “science” has gone completely woke and is no longer a useful part of our culture. For hundreds of years, Western scientists made incredible discoveries and huge contributions to humankind, especially in the fields of medicine and technology. But today, clearly the Western scientific community is nothing more than a […]
By News Editors
Study claims more kids are fat and unhealthy because of GLOBAL WARMING
A study published in the journal Temperature has claimed that there is a correlation between rising temperatures and children becoming fatter and more unhealthy. (Article by Steve Watson republished from The study claims that climate change is causing more children to stay inside, eat more, and be generally less active. CBS Mornings covered the “findings” this past […]
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